The club is putting in a new security gate system. At the time of activation you will need to be issued a new card. There will be a $20 per card fee due at the time your new card is received in order to cover the cost of the new security card. The new cards will be issued in person at the club in January. Please watch for a club email for further information.


Hello!  You have landed here as a result of showing interest in how to join our club.  After just a few steps we should have you well on your way.

First stop is the club rules.  Please take a moment and view the club rules HERE.  These are an important source of information.  If you agree to abide by the rules, please continue on to the next step.

Complete the membership application form.  This form can be found HERE.  Once printed, complete the information requested and mail it to our Post Office box listed below.  You may send your payment in electronically using the Catalog on this site, or you can still opt to mail a check (made payable to Castle Pistol Club) along with your application form.

Our membership meeting occurs on the second Tuesday of each month.  During this time all new applications will be reviewed and put to a vote for acceptance. Once voted in here we will run a background check and then the membership secretary will contact you to get your photo taken for your membership ID.