Rifle Range closed September 26 7 am - 1 pm for Shenango Police qualifiers. Please be advised. All private range usage must be approved at the Membership Meeting 2nd Tuesday of the Month At 8 pm accompanied by a completed application, payment and a certificate of insurance.


The club grounds offer two outdoor range bays. The first is a 25-yard range with a covered shooting area.  This is designed for handgun shooting.  The covered area is a concrete pad with some shelving to hold your range bags and gear as well as some seated benches. At the end of it are 2 large plywood shooting stands to which you may staple your targets.

Directly to the right of this area there are metal cables strung from left to right.  This area is designed for shotgun shooting.  Due to the destructive nature of shotgun rounds, please do not shoot the plywood backstops as that makes for more frequent replacements and leaves no wood for the pistol shooters to staple targets to.  Instead, targets for shotgun shooting can be hung off of the metal cables.

If you continue down the road past these shooting points you will arrive at the 100-yard outdoor range.  This area also has a concrete floor and roof over the shooting positions.  There are shooting benches located here as well as a wooden shelf across the back to accommodate your shooting gear and range bags.

There are large, plywood stands at the 100-yard mark to affix paper targets to.  At 25, 50 and 75-yards there are small dirt humps.  Feel free to bring small metal stands and post them there for a shorter shooting distance.

Our range officers make every effort to keep the range safe, clean and in good order for our members.  We ask that you, as members of this club, take pride in the appearance and kindly police your brass, paper and any trash before you leave.  There are burn barrels located by the covered areas for your convenience.